Half Term Fun!

Not long ago it was half-term in Tower Hamlets and we went all out to spoil the girls we meet every week at Lunch Clubs and our After School Club. It is called half-term but we didn’t want to settle for half-good!

On Tuesday we took a whole bunch of girls (two-minibus loads in fact!) to a trampoline park in Essex, and on Wednesday we took a group to see Aladdin at the BFI IMAX on the Southbank after enjoying some scrummy pizzas, and another group to see Wicked at the Apollo Theatre. Finally, on Thursday, we finished off with 19 young women headed to Stratford for laser tag and virtual reality gaming. I mean, what more could you want?

We are so blessed with supporters that make these trips possible - trips that truly make a difference in these young women’s lives by offering new opportunities. In turn, these trips give us the opportunity to invest in them and to let them know that they are worth time and attention.

In the middle of Wicked, while the actors danced their way across stage, one of our young women leaned over and said with a grateful voice: “thank you so much for taking us to see this play”. With full hearts and stars in their eyes, we made our way home.

We had a wonderful half-term, how was yours?

- Hanne