Lockdown Slowdown

I woke up this morning feeling anxious. It was like my mind wasn’t settled and it was quite a project removing myself from the comfort of my duvet. Why do I feel so anxious when I am in lockdown, when I have minimal stuff to do today?

I think a lot of us are feeling unsettled these days and I guess it’s normal. Our everyday lives have been turned upside down and that’s quite radical! So perhaps instead of literally feeling locked down why not instead look at our situation upside down, as things have already been turned around? Girls, we’ve been given time — time without distractions (other than Netflix, snacking and that sweet, sweet duvet… sigh). 

We have a cherry tree in our garden and every spring it has beautiful blossom. My housemates and I were sitting and eating dinner the other day and we looked out the window and noticed the white little flowers appearing on the tree. One of my housemates said they’ve never seen the cherry tree blossom so nicely, but I questioned: “maybe we just haven’t noticed it before because we’ve been too busy?”. I am now starting to look around me more and I am noticing all these things I’ve taken for granted, or just never really seen. Having a cup of tea, listening to my favourite song, eating my favourite chocolate — these days the Aldi Easter egg with a milk mousse — yes please!

I am now trying to turn my lockdown into a slowdown and as I do I feel my anxiety slightly lift. I think we often underestimate the power of gratitude. It truly can change a situation, even if you don’t feel like being thankful or noticing the little things. I recommend you give it a try even if you don’t feel like it!

How do you slowdown in the lockdown?
